Am I a Producer?
A producer is anyone who makes, imports, or sells electrical or electronic equipment. Whether you’re a business manufacturing gadgets, a retailer selling electronics, or a company importing devices into Malta, you are considered a producer. As a producer, you are responsible for making sure your products are recycled properly when they’re no longer useful, which is where WEEE Malta steps in to handle the hard work for you.
What are your Obligations by Law?
– Register with the Environment & Resources Authority.
– Finance the collection and recycling of your products.
– Report the amount of electronics you sell.
– Provide a financial guarantee for future recycling.
– Meet recycling targets set by WEEE regulations.
– Work with authorised recycling companies.
WEEE Malta handles all these obligations on your behalf, taking the hassle out of compliance, so you can focus on your business while we ensure everything is done correctly.
Join Us
– Finance the collection and recycling of your products.
– Report the amount of electronics you sell.
– Provide a financial guarantee for future recycling.
– Meet recycling targets set by WEEE regulations.
– Work with authorised recycling companies.
WEEE Malta handles all these obligations on your behalf, taking the hassle out of compliance, so you can focus on your business while we ensure everything is done correctly.

Take-Back System for Producers
As a producer, you are required to provide take-back services for old electronic products. This means when a customer purchases new electrical or electronic equipment, you must ensure that their old device is collected free of charge on a one-to-one basis.
These collected items must be properly recycled or disposed of in compliance with WEEE regulations. By partnering with WEEE Malta, we help you manage this entire process, ensuring the seamless collection, recycling, and reporting of WEEE, so you can stay focused on your business while meeting your legal obligations.
These collected items must be properly recycled or disposed of in compliance with WEEE regulations. By partnering with WEEE Malta, we help you manage this entire process, ensuring the seamless collection, recycling, and reporting of WEEE, so you can stay focused on your business while meeting your legal obligations.

Below are answers to common questions about WEEE compliance, producer obligations, and how WEEE Malta supports its members in managing electronic waste. Find out how we help you navigate WEEE regulations and ensure the responsible disposal and recycling of electrical equipment.
WEEE stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, which refers to any component, consumable, or electronic equipment discarded and requiring electricity or batteries for operation.
WEEE Malta is a non-profit organisation that provides cost-effective compliance solutions for the management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) on behalf of its members. It represents the majority of the Maltese household electrical and electronic industry, ensuring producers comply with their responsibilities under the EU WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU. WEEE Malta is a subsidiary of the Chamber for Small and Medium Enterprises and is fully authorised by the Environmental & Resources Authority in Malta.
WEEE Malta’s members are producers and importers from the top of the supply chain in the Maltese Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) market. These members are responsible for ensuring the proper management of their products once they become waste, in line with WEEE regulations.
A Producer is any company or individual that manufactures, imports, or resells electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) within Malta. Under EU WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU, producers are required to take responsibility for managing the waste generated by their products, including organizing and financing the collection, treatment, and environmentally sound disposal of WEEE
An authorised representative is a legal or natural person established in Malta who is appointed by a producer (especially those located outside Malta) to ensure that the producer meets all obligations under the WEEE regulations. This includes responsibilities related to the collection, treatment, and disposal of WEEE.
As a producer, your obligations under the EU WEEE Directive include: 1) Registering with the Environmental & Resources Authority. 2_ Organising and financing the collection, recycling, and disposal of WEEE. 3) Ensuring that products placed on the market meet environmental standards. 4) Reporting the quantities of electrical and electronic equipment you place on the market. 5) Failure to comply with these obligations may result in penalties.
WEEE B2C refers to business-to-consumer obligations under the WEEE directive. This means you must ensure that consumers have access to free collection points for returning electrical waste and that your products are recycled or disposed of properly at the end of their life cycle. These responsibilities are in place to reduce the environmental impact of electrical waste.
If you encounter difficulties with your WEEE reporting, you should first consult the guidelines provided by WEEE Malta. If the issue persists, contact the Environmental & Resources Authority for further assistance. You can also seek support from WEEE Malta by calling us on +35621496965/6
Your Scheme (WMT) and Producer (WME) registration numbers should be clearly displayed on all relevant documentation, including invoices and any materials sent to customers or the Environmental & Resources Authority. This ensures transparency and compliance with WEEE regulations.
Yes, even if you source products from local suppliers, you may still need to report. If your local suppliers are not registered as producers under the WEEE regulations, you will take on the responsibilities of a producer for the products you place on the market. It is crucial to verify whether your supplier is compliant with WEEE requirements.
Failure to comply with WEEE regulations can result in penalties, including fines or other legal actions. Fines are based on the quantity of electrical equipment placed on the market without proper registration or compliance and can increase for repeated offences. Ensuring timely registration and adherence to the obligations is crucial to avoid penalties.
After WEEE is collected, it is taken to authorised treatment facilities where it undergoes processes such as dismantling, recovery, recycling, or disposal. Certain hazardous materials are removed for safe treatment, and valuable materials like metals or plastics are recovered and recycled for reuse. This reduces the environmental impact and conserves resources.Some WEEE types are also treated abroad due to lack of special tretament plants in Malta.